Thursday, September 20, 2007

There's Work to Be Done!

A while back I found this great tutorial on another blog for making what the author called Mile-a-Minute blocks. I love things that are a bit wacky and quick and use up scraps! So these were right up my alley! I create blocks... sewed them together... and now I need to add something more. The quilt isn't quite as big as I would like. I was thinking about a simple border.. actually 2. A small inner border and then a larger outer one. But what fabric? There are so many colors in this quilt already. I have tried different combos with solids and prints.. nothing seems to work for me. Now I am thinking I might make a Mile-a-Minute border. I would frame it between 2 strips of another fabric... probably a solid. Hopefully I will get to work on that soon.

I am also in the midst of my first ever Round Robin with a group of online friends. I have a great RR right now... I just keep changing my mind on what I want to add! Getting it done and off to the next person is my top priority... since it has to be mailed out by next Friday!

And I have quillows to make! I made my first quillow this summer for a friend of my mom's.... and now mom and another of her friends wants one. These ladies are on the go all that time! They are all 71 and older. They travel with their church group (the quillows are for keeping warm on buses).... they eat out or at each other's homes regularly... they volunteer.... play Mexican Train Dominoes at least once a week... and talk on the phone worse than any teenager ever did! They are a hoot and I love it!

So those are my current projects.... hopefully they will all be done by the end of September! Now if I can just find some sewing time!


1 comment:

~Molly~ said...

I think a MAM border would be really nice on it, what a pretty quilt!!
