My online group of quilty friends is trading star fabric charms this month. I did some digging and found some great fabrics in my stash! I think they all look rather nice together. Can't wait to see the stars they send my way. Maybe I can use them to create a quilt based on Ps. 147:4 "He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name" or Ps. 8:3 & 4 "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"
One of my goals for this week was to finally finish up my Mile-a-Minute top. I knew what I wanted to do borderwise, but I needed to find the right fabric. Hubby and I hit the Veterans' Day sale at Hancocks on Monday. I was trying to choose between 2 fabrics.. one was a pretty vibrant blue that seemed to tone the blocks down a bit... the other was a bright green that made them sing! As Hubby said "When have you ever gone the subdued route!?" LOL! He knows me so well! So green it is... but the blue is being used too... for the back and the binding.
I am going to try something knew for the quilting... new to me anyway. Stay tuned for the results!
I like it! I like the addition of the inner green strip and then the outer. I'll have to remember that!
yummy -- love the bright green. Sometimes a quilt just calls for even more energy :-)
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